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URL Handler

BusyCal iOS supports URL handlers for creating new events and performing a few other tasks.

Creating Events in BusyCal

You can create a new event in BusyCal using natural language by opening a percent-escaped URL in the following format:

busycal://new/<event description>/<notes>

The URL takes up to 2 parameters. The first is the event description, the second is an optional parameter for notes.

<event description>: The event description must contain an event title, date (today is assumed if no date), and a start time (an all-day event is assumed if no start time). In addition, you can include an optional calendar name preceded by a slash (e.g., /Work), and an optional final parameter containing a URL surrounded by angle brackets (e.g., <>). NOTE: All text must be URL encoded.

<notes>: The text you would like to show in the notes section.

Here are some example natural language phrases for creating events and the corresponding percent escaped URLs:

Baseball game tomorrow

busycal://new/Baseball game tomorrow

Staff meeting Thursday at 10am

busycal://new/Staff meeting Thursday at 10am

Meeting with Joe June 7 at 3pm /Work

busycal://new/Meeting with Joe June 7 at 3pm /Work


/Work must be encoded as %2FWork, preceded by a space %20

Meeting with Joe June 7 at 3pm /Work Some Notes

busycal://new/Meeting with Joe June 7 at 3pm /Work/Some Notes


You must add a space %20 after the title for the list name to be interpreted /Work (%2FWork)

Apple Earnings Conference Call Tuesday at 2pm <> Some Notes

busycal://new/Apple Earnings Conference Call Tuesday at 2pm <> Some Notes

See Quick Entry for more information on the natural language syntax for creating events in BusyCal.

Creating Tasks in BusyCal

You can create a new task in BusyCal using natural language by opening a percent-escaped URL in the following format:

busycal://new/-<task description>/<notes>

The URL takes 2 parameters. The first is the task description, the second is an optional parameter for notes.

-<task description>: To create a task, precede the task description with a hyphen (-). You can provide a due date (an undated task is created if no date is provided), an optional priority via exclamation points (! = low, !! = medium, !!! = high), an optional calendar name preceded by a slash (e.g., /Work), and an optional final parameter containing a URL surrounded by angle brackets (e.g., <>).

<notes>: New in v3.5.8+. The text you would like to show in the notes section.

Here are some example natural language phrases for creating tasks and the corresponding percent-escaped URLs:

-Call Bob tomorrow

busycal://new/-Call Bob tomorrow

-Pay Taxes April 15!!! /Personal

busycal://new/-Pay Taxes April 15!!! /Personal

-Buy Toner /Shopping <>

busycal://new/-Buy Toner /Shopping <>

See Quick Entry for more information on the natural language syntax for creating tasks in BusyCal.

Selecting a Date in BusyCal

You can highlight a date in BusyCal by opening the busycal://date/ URL, appended with the date in yyyy-MM-dd format:


Click here to Try

To go to the current date:


Click here to Try

Opening BusyCal

The following can be used to open BusyCal and switch to a specific view:

To open List view:


Click here to Try

To open Day view:


Click here to Try

To open Week view:


Click here to Try

To open Month view:


Click here to Try

To open Tasks view:


Click here to Try