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Copying Contact Info

If you wish to copy a contact's info to the clipboard to paste into another app, you may do so in one of the following ways:

Copy Contact from Edit menu

Select Copy Contact from the Edit menu to copy the contact's name, company, and primary address, email and phone to the clipboard.

copy contact

Following is an example of the info copied to the clipboard when choosing the Copy Contact command.

Max Bishop
3161 Preston Rd
Red Oak Missouri 51439
(609) 880-7124

Copy from popup menu

Most of the field labels in the Info Panel contain a Copy command. For example, you can copy a mailing address by clicking on the address field label and chossing Copy Address.

copy address

You can disable the hover links in the Info Panel by holding down the Command-key while hovering over a field. You can then select the text and Copy it to the clipboard.