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Why do I get an error stating that the following events could not be stored to the server?

BusyCal may display an alert stating that the following events could not be stored to the server.

Reason 1: Conflict

That error occurs when the event you modified in BusyCal is stale and out of sync with the event on the server. This can happen if you are syncing multiple devices or apps with the server and the event was recently modified on another device or in another app. When this occurs, the change you made in BusyCal will be rejected by the server and replaced with the copy of the event on the server.

Reason 2: Meeting Cannot be Imported

You have most likely imported a .ics meeting file manually and are now seeing this error. This has been explained here in depth.

Avoid Manually Importing .ics Files

As a general rule, you should avoid importing .ics files manually when using accounts with iCloud, Google, Outlook etc. Meeting invitations show up on your calendar automatically during sync. Whenever an invitation is received, it is captured in two places: the Mail Inbox and the Calendar Inbox. If you import the .ics file sent as an attachment via mail manually, and don't wait for the calendar to sync this automatically, conflicts can occur and these can further complicate matters as updates may or may not be sent out correctly. Some servers, such as Google Calendar, can be extremely picky when it comes to meeting invitations and related conflicts. In the worse case you may also end up with duplicate meetings.