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Why was Weather Underground removed from BusyCal?

Weather Underground announced that their service will end in December 2018. We have since switched Dark Sky instead, for reliable, up-to-date weather information.

No single weather service is ever going to be super-accurate for everyone. Having said that, we may introduce more providers in the near future for users to be able to switch between as per their preference.

Important Notice: Weather provided by BusyCal is a value-added service and is in fact offered by a 3rd party weather-provider. In the past we used Weather Underground, which shutdown and so we switched to Dark Sky. Then recently Dark Sky has switched off and we've had to switch again. Each time we switch, existing versions connecting to an older service will no longer display weather. The only way to receive weather updates is to ensure you update to the latest version of BusyCal. Weather Services charge a monthly subscription fee that we solely bear (i.e. our customers are not separately charged).